Bács-Kiskun Megyei
Katona József Könyvtár
6000 Kecskemét
Piaristák tere 8.
6001 Kecskemét Pf. 127.
Telefon: 76/500-550
Fax: 76/500-570
Titkárság: 76/500-555
Nyitva tartás:
Kedd - Szombat:10-19 h

Partnereink Partnereink


Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete


Forum Hungaricum


Kecskemétfilm Kft

Kecskeméti Katona József Nemzeti Színház

MANK Nonprofit Kft.

Debreceni Egyetem

EISZ Nemzeti program

Goethe Institut


Iskolai Közösségi Szolgálat

Lapról hangra

Petőfi Népe




Kincskeresők Egyesülete

Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület



Kecskemét kártya elfogadóhely

Irány Kecskemét

Fees for library membership Fees for library membership

  • Library membership: HUF 1.500,- / year  (HUF 750,- / half a year)
  • Membership fee for Kecskemét Card holders: HUF 1.200,-  / year
  • Reduced membership: HUF 600,-  / year

The reduced fee can be paid by students, pensioners, members of KKDSZ (Trade Union of Workers for Public Collection and Public Education) and KDFSZ Independent Trade Union of Library workers) and the physically disabled.

The membership is free of charge for those under 16 and over 70 years, members of Otthon Könyvtár, the blind and partially sighted, workers of libraries, museums and archives.

The membership fee is valid for 12 months as from the day of registration.

Quality Policy of Katona József Library Quality Policy of Katona József Library

Katona József Library is one of the most frequently visited public libraries in Hungary. It offers a variety of library services for each age group in conformity with the professional requirements and the users’ needs, while constantly developing its activities.

The library works according to and in compliance with the user-oriented TQM-Total Quality Management.

Main aspects of our quality policy are as follows:


Quality requirements apply to each staff member of the library, cover all the services and affect the working environment, generally speaking, the system embraces everything in the library (hardware, software, leadership and human resources measures).


The services of our library: our main task is to provide services at a quality that fulfils the needs of readers and users

The objective of the staff is to serve the users in a quick, polite and reliable way and to improve continually the work processes.



We always work with respect to the current law being in force, while making sure it is respected, pursuant to the regulated frame that meets the requirements of the profession and the partners and we document the performance.

We do analyse the causes of the defects in quality experienced by the staff, indicated by the partners or revealed by investigations so that we can prevent their repeated occurrence.

Transparency and openness

We continuously publicise the current information of public use in connection with the services, the changes and the results achieved. We provide opportunities of various kinds for the partners to express their views.

Knowledge management

The management of the library provides an opportunity for the staff members both to make progress in the profession and to develop humanly. While making decisions, it pays attention to the staff members’ suggestions and gives priority to the further education of staff and to develop the way of thinking with focus on quality.


Economic efficiency

When we use the budgetary resources related to the basic activities, our main objective is the economic efficiency. The whole staff is committed to obtaining external support, grants and other help necessary for the improvement of the quality of services.


The leadership committed to quality assurance

The use of performance indicators helps the management to evaluate the services and to determine the direction of their development. In order to improve the quality of the library services, the management adopts another two methods: benchmarking and self-evaluation.

Our library strives for a concerted and continuous inspection and a quick implementation of corrective and preventive actions in order to achieve the maximum satisfaction of our partners.



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