Preparation for the ECDL exam Preparation for the ECDL exam

Prepare yourself in our library for the ECDL exam

We provide you with the possibility to learn on your own, to use our computers equipped with the necessary programs and the training curriculum.

On the first floor of the library there is an area for self-study with modern PC-s for our readers wishing to pass an ECDL exam.

In addition to the training curriculum for the use on the spot, there is a growing collection of specialized textbooks in the lending stock.

The service is only for our registered readers.

Ajánlott tananyag: ECDL oktatócsomag>>

Minden információ az ECDL-ről a Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság honlapján >>

INFORMATIKA - Ingyenes elektronikus Tananyag >>