Bács-Kiskun Megyei
Katona József Könyvtár
6000 Kecskemét
Piaristák tere 8.
6001 Kecskemét Pf. 127.
Telefon: 76/500-550
Fax: 76/500-570
Titkárság: 76/500-555
Nyitva tartás:
Kedd - Szombat:10-19 h

Lending stock Lending stock

The units of collection on the first floor can be borrowed. In the room of the fiction stock,the romances, the detective stories and science fiction books are on separate shelves. Next to the entrance of this room, you can easily find the books of compulsory reading at schools.In the room of non-fiction stock, there is resource material for each area of science. Language books together with language cassettes can be borrowed, too. Bibliographies in connection with the most popular subjects help to gather information. Further lending stock can be found in the ‘Children’s world’, mostly for children under the age of 12, in the collection ‘Europe’ and in the Musical collection in form of sound recordings.

Further information can be asked for on the telephone no.: 76/500-563 or by e-mail: tajekoztatas [at] kjmk.hu.  



Kölcsönözhető gyűjtemény
Photo by Péter Walter