Bács-Kiskun Megyei
Katona József Könyvtár
6000 Kecskemét
Piaristák tere 8.
6001 Kecskemét Pf. 127.
Telefon: 76/500-550
Fax: 76/500-570
Titkárság: 76/500-555
Nyitva tartás:
Kedd - Szombat:10-19 h

Information service of the library Information service of the library

An information desk can be found on each floor of the library and there, qualified librarians provide information about:

-the library services

-the library system

-the collection and its processing

-the use of the catalogue

-the resources of given subjects and pieces of information

In the so-called Infotheque service unit

You can get civic information, information of public use and public interests; legal information (national and local law); entrepreneurial and economic information; tourist information and information related to computing and informatics.

Main fields of information gathering and providing service

Distance education

Institutions, courses and trainings in Hungary

Career choices

Collecting and acquisition of information material related to national and local institutions of secondary and higher education as well as CD-ROM-s supporting the career choices. Information in connection with the subject

School-leaving exam and entrance exams

Traditional and electronic information during the subject periods


Highlighted development and systematisation of the related specialist literature, list of addresses and legislation related to NGO-s

Calls for proposals

Monitoring calls for proposals concerning mostly economy, trade and tourism (announcers, documents in print and web pages)

Submitting a proposal

Search for institutions and organisations teaching how to write to submit a proposal. List of addresses and links

EU – Europe Direct

Collecting and providing topical information related to the membership of Hungary. Information mostly about calls for proposals (announcers, current tenders, methodological information); work and study possibilities in the member states; news and programmes in connection with equal opportunity


Continuous data processing of local legislation

-the minutes of the General Assembly of Bács-Kiskun County Government

-the minutes of the General Assembly of the Municipal Government of Kecskemét, the county town

-the minutes of the local Romany Minority Government in Kecskemét

-the minutes of the local German Minority Government in Kecskemét

For further information, please, call 76/500-563 or write to the following e-mail addresses tajekoztatas [at] kjmk.hu and info [at] kjmk.hu.